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From the nineteenth century onward a considerable number of hostile actions against the portraits of royalty and religious art have been recorded. This iconoclasm which, before the nineteenth century, was blamed on foreigners, began to become more common among Spaniards early in the century, increasing with the Carlist wars. Due to their increased frequency, such violent actions against these types of representation, both monarchical and religious, came to acquire a very characteristic social function, becoming rites dramatizing popular support for progress. The moments of greatest violence against these works took place during the Spanish civil war, including burning and sacking of churches and even murders of priests. With the rise of Francoism, the dictator cast the blame on foreign governments, which seems to suggest a generalized tendency by the Spanish authorities to attribute such acts alien forces.
A partir del siglo XIX detectamos un gran número de acciones hostiles contra los retratos de la realeza y el arte religioso. Esta iconoclastia, de la que se culpó al extranjero antes del siglo xix, comienza a adquirir fuerza dentro del pueblo español a principios del mismo siglo, con las guerras carlistas. Las acciones violentas contra este tipo de representaciones, tanto monárquicas como religiosas, debido a su auge llegan a adquirir una función social muy característica: ritos que escenifican el apoyo al progreso por parte del pueblo. Los momentos de mayor violencia hacia estas obras se sitúan durante la guerra civil, cuando se llegó a quemar iglesias, saquearlas o matar a clérigos. Con el ascenso del franquismo, el dictador culpó a mandatarios extranjeros de dichos comportamientos, lo que permite considerar que existe una interpretación generalizada respecto a estos actos por parte de las autoridades españolas.